Rancang Bangun Autoklaf Untuk Proses Sterilisasi Peralatan Medis


  • Risky Ramadhani Algifahri Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Semarang
  • Patrisius Kusi Olla Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Semarang
  • Bayu Wahyud Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Semarang


temperature sensor, heater, Arduino nano


Autoclaves are the most widely used tool for sterilization worldwide and are considered the most effective and cost-effective method for sterilizing medical equipment. The research aims to design and build an autoclave that uses an Arduino microcontroller as the brain of the system and is equipped with a temperature sensor, heater driver, heater and power supply. This autoclave will help ensure that the medical equipment used is sterile by using a working system using a 121℃ pressurized steam heat method for 15 minutes. Based on the results obtained, an Arduino nano-based autoclave device has been successfully created. By measuring each measurement point, the error value is very small, namely TP1 at a voltage of 5.1 with an error of 2%, TP2 at a voltage of 4.8 with an error of 0.4%, TP2 at a voltage of 4.8 with an error of 0, 4%, TP4 at a voltage of 225 with an error of 2%, TP5 at a temperature of 121 with an error of 0%.





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How to Cite

Risky Ramadhani Algifahri, Kusi Olla, P., & Wahyud, B. (2024). Rancang Bangun Autoklaf Untuk Proses Sterilisasi Peralatan Medis. Journal of Health Technology and Public Health, 1(2), 33–50. Retrieved from https://ejournal.stikessemarang.ac.id/index.php/JHTPH/article/view/4