Rancang Bangun Autoklaf Untuk Proses Sterilisasi Peralatan Medis
temperature sensor, heater, Arduino nanoAbstract
Autoclaves are the most widely used tool for sterilization worldwide and are considered the most effective and cost-effective method for sterilizing medical equipment. The research aims to design and build an autoclave that uses an Arduino microcontroller as the brain of the system and is equipped with a temperature sensor, heater driver, heater and power supply. This autoclave will help ensure that the medical equipment used is sterile by using a working system using a 121℃ pressurized steam heat method for 15 minutes. Based on the results obtained, an Arduino nano-based autoclave device has been successfully created. By measuring each measurement point, the error value is very small, namely TP1 at a voltage of 5.1 with an error of 2%, TP2 at a voltage of 4.8 with an error of 0.4%, TP2 at a voltage of 4.8 with an error of 0, 4%, TP4 at a voltage of 225 with an error of 2%, TP5 at a temperature of 121 with an error of 0%.
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