Edukasi Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) dan Pemeriksaan Status Gizi pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di SD Maranatha 01 Kota Semarang
Educational Information Communication, Clean and Healthy Living Behavior, Nutritional StatusAbstract
Maintaining health in the school environment can be done through health promotion, where this activity is one of the efforts to create a school into a community that is able to improve the level of public health through three main activities known as TRIAS UKS including: creating a healthy school environment, maintenance and health services in schools and sustainable education efforts. TRIAS UKS is described in PKM activities carried out by lecturers and students. Observations in the field found many problems related to student health. The priority problem of PKM is that many students are sick because of the low level of knowledge of students about PHBS at school, especially regarding the behavior of washing hands with soap (CTBS). The objectives achieved are monitoring PHBS for elementary age students, carrying out follow-up on PHBS counseling related to nutritional status for elementary age students, knowing the progress of counseling on PHBS by conducting follow up on elementary age children at SD Maranatha 01 Semarang. Then proceed with the practice of washing hands with soap (CTBS), measuring body weight and weighing. The results of the activity show that students have knowledge about PHBS and knowledge about nutritional status.
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