Komunikasi Informasi Edukasi Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat sebagai Pencegahan dari Penyakit Infeksi pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di SD Maranatha 01 Semarang
Personal Hygiene Sanitation, Early Childhood, Communication Information and education, Infectious DiseaseAbstract
Community service is a program we should start with fixing a early childhood personal helath as a future generation, because children must be protected and developed and gets their rights especially their healthiness. Most of children doing outdoor activities so they will contact infectious things or other communicable disease. Their immunity still lacking and susceptible than adults. Otherwise complete vaccination as a government program to prevent infectious disesase should be supported with healthy behaviour and personal hygiene sanitation to achieve the effectiveness. Applying an healthy behavior and personal hygiene sanitation as a programm at school could be creating a better generation and prevent health problem, cause early childhood much doing their activities at school than their home. So this community service need to held to improve a knowledge and children awareness about healthy behavior and personal hygiene sanitation. KIE implemented with various method such as simulation, presentation and demonstration with playing a video with song and motion to get interest from the audience. This activities get 95% of active audience who responded about infectious prevention, healthy behavior and personal hygiene questions. And 85% audience can demonstrate a proper washing hand movement. Audience Knowledge will be asses with question answer session, The process is the audience will hands up to answer the question that asked by speaker, if their answer right they will got score, and awareness scoring asses by their enthusiastic while practicing a personal hygiene and proper washing hand movement. Early childhood Knowledgement which improve will impact to their healthy behaviour and personal hygiene awareness to practicing personal hygiene and healthy behaviour, in order to try fixing health standart for their personal, family and community.
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