Rancang Bangun Kontrol Bed Pasien 3 Crank dengan System Safety Lock
Atmega328, Bed, Linier Actuator, RelayAbstract
A patient bed is a bed that is used to move patients from one room to another and is also specifically designed for patients who require some form of health care. Currently, hospitals throughout Indonesia generally pay attention to patient comfort, especially when in bed. This research aims to make it easier for patients to Kontrol their beds according to the patient's wishes and comfort. Therefore, in this final project, a 3-Crank patient bed Kontrol device with a safety lock Sistem was designed. 3 Cranks are patient beds that can be adjusted to the height and low position of the bed, up and down at the head and back, and up and down at the feet. In particular, a priority from previous research was the addition of a safety lock Sistem, namely if the button on the patient's remote bed is pressed repeatedly then all the actuators will lock and cannot move unless they are pressed first. This bed Kontrol device is designed using an ATMega328 as amikrokontrollerwhich can drive 3 linear actuator motors. Equipped with a patient bed remote Kontrol with 7 buttons which become Kontrol input from themikrokontrollerwhich can trigger relays so that the linear actuator can work. The test results of the load that can be lifted by a patient bed driven by a linear actuator motor are loads weighing 56 kg, 61 kg, 85 kg, and 117 kg. The results of the design of tools, programs and testing were implemented late with results that followed the wishes and objectives
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