Rancang Bangun Modul Kamera Pada Dental Unit Berbasis Raspberry Pi 3b
Dental Unit, Camera, Keyboard, gearAbstract
The Dental Unit consists of a patient chair, lights, machines and equipment or other equipment accessories needed during surgery to directly examine the inside of the teeth. Doctors usually use a curved mirror to be able to see the inside of the patient's teeth. This will be quite troublesome for doctors because they will not be free to check the condition of the patient's teeth. So in this research, we intend to design a tool that can be used to examine patients' teeth using a camera equipped with a wireless connection on a PC so that the results of the doctor's examination can be seen on the monitor screen. Measurement point 1 (TP1) of the PLN network with an average of 221.68 and an error value of 0.76%. Measurement point 2 (TP2) Rasberry power supply with an average of 4.61 and an error value of 8%. Measurement point 3 (TP3) keyboard with an average of 4.73 and an error value of 7%. Measurement point 4 (TP4) dental camera with an average of 4.53 and an error value of 9.3%. Measurement point 5 (TP5) rasberry fan cooler with an average of 5.05 and an error value of 1%. In testing the function of the camera module in the dental unit, the author will present images taken when testing the function of the device, when the camera is inserted into the patient's mouth and produces good images. measurements performed by researchers on monitor resources
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