Centrifuge Design at STIKES Semarang


  • Devia Firnanda Shania Kase Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Semarang
  • Imam Tri Harsoyo Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Semarang
  • Faizah Faizah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Semarang


Centrifuge, Switch, Arduino Mega 2560, LCD


Centrifuge is a laboratory equipment that is widely used to separate compounds that have different molecular weights by using centrifugal force. The principle of centrifugal force is based on the phenomenon that particles suspended in a container (tube or other form) will settle into a cuvette due to the influence of gravitational force. Centrifuge design using applied methods aims to make a tool equipped with LCD as a display of a setting, RPM and Timer, switch as a safety and Arduino Mega 2560 as a microcontroller. The results obtained in the design of this Centrifuge are that it has speed parameters, namely 3000 RPM, 3500 RPM, and 4000 RPM. Measurement data on 3000 RPM parameters with a percentage error of 2.43%, 3500 RPM with a percentage error of 4.2%, and 4000 RPM with a percentage error of 7.2%. The percentage value of the 3 parameters is still within the tolerance limit so that this tool can be used properly.





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How to Cite

Devia Firnanda Shania Kase, Imam Tri Harsoyo, & Faizah Faizah. (2024). Centrifuge Design at STIKES Semarang. International Journal of Health and Information Technology, 1(2), 31–40. Retrieved from https://ejournal.stikessemarang.ac.id/index.php/IJHIT/article/view/10