Design Build a Hot Plate Magnetic Stirer


  • Muhammad Haikal Khafi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Semarang
  • Pramesti Kusumaningtyas Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Semarang
  • Bayu Wahyudi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Semarang


Magnetic Stirer, Arduino Uno Microcontroller, Thermocouple


A hot plate magnetic stirrer is laboratory equipment used to heat and mix one solution with another solution to create a homogeneous solution with the help of a Stir Bar stirrer. The plate contained in the equipment can be heated so as to speed up the homogenization process. The measuring cup containing the solution will be stirred using a stir bar as a stirrer. An Arduino Uno as a heater controller and a dimmer as a motor controller. Based on data from tool testing results that have been carried out, the temperature measurement results were 39-220 C while the motor speed was 500-1200 rad/m.




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How to Cite

Muhammad Haikal Khafi, Pramesti Kusumaningtyas, & Bayu Wahyudi. (2024). Design Build a Hot Plate Magnetic Stirer . International Journal of Health and Information Technology, 1(2), 22–30. Retrieved from