Rancang Bangun Alat Electrical Safety Analyzer (ESA) Berbasis Arduino Uno Untuk Uji Kelistrikan Infant Warmer
Leakage Current, Electrical Safety Analyzer(ESA), Function TestAbstract
The Electrical Safety Analyzer is a calibration tool commonly used to measure leakage currents. In this study, the performance of the PZEM-004t sensor was compared with the sensor used in the Fluke Biomedical brand Electrical Safety Analyzer 612 to measure the validity of the instrument used to carry out various electrical safety tests, including tests. ground cable resistance, current consumption test, and to check whether the device under test meets electrical requirements.. This tool also makes things easier for electromedical technicians. This tool, designed for electrical testing of electromedical equipment, requires sensors and a microcontroller. The voltage and current sensors use a voltage follower circuit, an inverting amplifier and the microcontroller uses an Arduino Mega. The test method is to compare the measurement results of the TA module tool with the measurement results of the Fluke Biomedical brand Electrical Safety Analyzer tool in 5 trials with an interval of 5 minutes for each test. From the test results for the phase to neutral voltage, the largest error was obtained at 0.6% for the infant warmer load. From the results of the phase to ground voltage test, the largest error was obtained at 0.3% for the infant warmer load. In testing the current on the infant warmer load, an error of 0.0-0.1% was obtained.
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